India: Will take steps to streamline granite industry in Tamil Nadu

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The Tamil Nadu government would streamline the granite industry after holding discussions with industrialists, State Minister Durai Murugan has said. The Minister for Water Resources, Minerals and Mines during a recent seminar on natural stone organised by the Federation of Indian Granite and Stone Industry (FIGSI) said he would also consider the representations made by the granite industry.

“The state government will consider the demands of the granite industry which has been severely hit over the past few years, decisions to streamline would be taken after discussions with its representatives after Pongal,” he was quoted as saying in a press release.

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FIGSI organised the seminar in association with Indian Monument Manufacturers Association and Tamil Nadu Granite Quarry Owners and Exporters Association here. FIGSI President Ishwinder Singh said the seminar on natural stone was organised to provide an in-depth analytical view of the industry. “There was a shortage of raw materials like rough granite blocks, materials…,” he said.

According to FIGSI, Tamil Nadu was a dominant player in the field of monument exports with 80 per cent of monument production and exports take place from the state. Challenges surrounding the development and implementation of skilled manpower and availability of rough granite blocks were also discussed during the event.

Detailed discussions were held on how the industry leaders could collaborate to further develop the natural stone industry, it said. The association members expressed confidence with the government removing the hurdles faced by the quarry industry over the last several years, the release added.


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