Italy is still the third largest marble blocks and slabs importer in the world, despite any fluctuation., after studying the statistical results of the International Trade Centre and the National Statistical Institutes, is presenting the growth in Italy’s Marble Blocks & Slabs imports between 2016 and 2017 and the shares in value and quantity in 2017.
From 2001 to 2017, Italy’s marble blocks and slabs imports were going upwards and downwards in value and in quantity as well. There has been fluctuation in the price per ton, however in 2008 it gets stabilized. Compared to 2016, In 2017 Italy imported marble blocks and slabs in higher price per ton by +18%, even if the imports value was stable with an increase of +0,1% but the quantity decreased by -15%.
A dissemination is noted in Italy’s imports showing that the country gets several varieties of marble blocks and slabs from all over the world either to respond to domestic needs or to export them.
The table below is showing the top 10 countries that exported marble blocks and slabs to Italy in 2017 according to the shares in import value.
As seen at the table, in 2017, Italy imported Marble Blocks and Slabs with higher price per ton by +64% from Croatia, by +21% from Greece, by +19% from Portugal, by +17% from Turkey, by +12% from Tunisia, by +11% from Namibia, by +11% from Brazil, by +7% from China and by +1% from the U.S. The only country that exported to Italy with lower price per ton was Iran by -4%.
In 2017, Italy imported Marble Blocks & Slabs from 53 countries. 79.6% of the total imports value was under HS Code 251511*, 17.35% under Code 251512* and the rest 3.05% under Code 251520*.
*Statistic reports for Marble Blocks and Slabs result from the HS Codes below (Harmonized System Codes):
251511: Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed
251512: Marble and travertine, merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a square or rectangular shape
251520: Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity of >= 2,5, and alabaster, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a square or rectangular shape (excluding in the form of granules, chippings or powder, and marble and travertine)