US Finished Marble Products Imports: January – September 2019 Growth

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USA is the country that imports the most finished marble products in the world. In 2018 the US finished marble products imports amounted 1,099,716 tons of $ 1.91 billion value. Was the trend upgoing in 2019? is presenting the growth rate of the US finished marble products imports both in value and quantity of imports in the first nine months of 2019 compared to the same period of 2018.

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As seen at the table above, there was a general downward trend in value of finished marble products imports in the US in the first nine months of 2019 compared to last year’s same period of time, with the exception of January when there was the only increase, still slightly. August suffered the largest decrease in import value, -17.17% than August 2018.

As for quantity of imports, things are quite different. Half of the months in 2019 present upward growth and the rest of them had a negative growth. More specifically, the month with the greatest rise in quantity of finished marble products imports in the US was April 2019 (+21.54%) while the month with the largest fall was September 2019 (-16.12%).

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

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