Thursday, January 23, 2025
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India’s 2022 marble and granite imports-exports

India is one of the most important markets in the world in both exports and imports of marble and granite. In granite exports, it...

Mexico’s imports of processed marble and granite in 2022

Mexico is a market of interest to all suppliers of processed marbles and granites worldwide. Imports over the last decade have been relatively high...

China’s imports of marble and granite blocks and slabs in 2022

The recently published 2022 marble and granite block and slab import statistics confirmed the concerns and worries expressed about the Chinese market. The decline...

Turkey’s marble exports in the second quarter of 2022

During another quarter, Turkey's total marble exports increased, mainly due to increased processed marble exports. Turkish marble companies are dealing with the new reality...

U.S. imports of processed marble, granite and ceramics in the second quarter of 2022

Since the pandemic outbreak, imports of processed marble, granite and ceramics are steadily rising while breaking records set in previous quarters and years. At...

China’s marble blocks and slabs and granite imports in the second quarter of 2022

China's unprocessed marble and granite imports dropped significantly between the second quarters of 2021 and 2022. During the same period, imports of unprocessed granite...

UK imports of processed granite, marble, and ceramics during the second quarter of 2022

Recent years have seen UK imports of processed granite and marble decreasing, while ceramics imports have been increasing. Specifically, according to statistics, between 2017...

South Korea’s imports of processed granite, marble and ceramics in the second quarter of...

What did South Korea import most in the second quarter of 2022? South Korea is one of the most important countries in imports of processed...

China’s processed marble and granite exports in the second quarter of 2022

The problems caused by the pandemic, with repeated lockdowns and maritime transport issues, do not affect China's processed marble and granite exports negatively. Businesses...

Brazil’s granite and marble exports in the second quarter of 2022

The rise in Brazil's exports of marble in recent years continued in the second quarter of 2022. In contrast, granite exports remained on a...