DERMITZAKIS BROS S.A. marble company: extroversion as the key to success

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Following the company’s successful presence in 2019 Marmomac International Fair last September in Verona, Italy, and as part of the their extroversive practice, DERMITZAKIS BROS S.A. marble company will participate in 2019 Middle East Stone International Fair in Dubai, UAE, November 25-28, 2019.

DERMITZAKIS BROS S.A. – Greek White Marble was founded in 1990 and today is one of the leading marble companies with a strong presence in international markets. Excellent services, multifaceted experience and a rich range of high quality products at competitive prices are the company’s strength and motivation for continuous improvement.

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It is a fully integrated company with its own quarries as well as a marble production and processing plant. The factory and the headquarters of the company are located in the Prefecture of Kavala, Northern Greece – an area rich in marble resources- covering an area of ​​20,000 sq.m. The factory extends to 6,000 sq.m. and is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and software that, coupled with the high level of know-how and experience of the staff, guarantee excellent results even in the most demanding projects.

The quarries of DERMITZAKIS BROS S.A. – Greek White Marble are located in Pyrgoi, Drama and in Stenopos, Kavala (both in Northern Greece), from which the world famous ARETI WHITE, VOLAKAS WHITE and KAVALA WHITE are mined. The company’s range also includes Nestos, Alivery Black, Livadia Black, Silver Crete, Crystallina, Ajax, Talos and more. DERMITZAKIS BROS adopts international mining standards in its quarries, giving priority on safety at work and environmental protection.

Find DERMITZAKIS BROS S.A. in Middle East Stone Fair, November 25-28, at Stand AR  D199 in the Dubai Trade Center Arena or get in touch with Dimitrios Zimperis, tel. 0030 698 122 6236.

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