Granite blocks and slabs trade holds a significant share in natural stone market. What was the trend in granite blocks and slabs exports from 2009 to 2018? Which countries were the greatest players in export value and quantity of exports and which achieved the best unit value?, after studying the statistical results* of the International Trade Centre, the UN Comtrade and the National Statistical Institutes, is presenting the trend of granite blocks and slabs exports in the top 5 exporting countries from 2009 to 2018.
From 2009 to 2018, the total value of granite blocks and slabs exports globally increased by 12.93% while the quantity moved up by 9.66%. The top players in the granite blocks and slabs exporting game based on the total value of exports are in order of rank India, Brazil, South Africa, Finland and Belgium.
As seen at the diagram above, India is by far the largest exporter of granite blocks and slabs in the world, amounting to $ 571.8 millions in export value only in 2018, more than triple from Brazil in the second place with $ 174.37 million in 2018. From 2009 to 2018, India’s value of granite blocks and slabs exports went up by 56.17%, Brazil’s increased by 29.15% while South Africa’s decreased by -15.31%. Finland’s value of granite blocks and slabs exports also had a decline by -30.68% between 2009 and 2018. Belgium scored the highest drop by -60.39%.
India’s most successful year was 2013 with $ 654.06 million value of granite blocks and slabs exports. Brazil’s record high was also in 2013 with $ 280.25 million, while South Africa’s was in 2011 with $ 72.92 million. Finland’s best year was 2011 with $ 63.47 million value of exports while Belgium’s peak was also 2011 with $ 55.6 million, after of which began its downward trend.
No big changes occur when it comes for the quantity of granite blocks and slabs exports. India remains on top, a far cry from the second Brazil, with no rearrangements in the other places.
From 2009 to 2018, India’s quantity of granite blocks and slabs exports increased by 71.32%, Brazil’s by 24.49% while South Africa’s decreased by -10.37%. Finland’s quantity of exports from 2009 to 2018 remained at the same levels with a slight rise by 0.24% while Belgium had the greatest loss by -44.17%.
As for unit value, things become different, as Belgium is the country that exported in the highest price per tonne during the decade. Brazil came second by far from the first Belgium, with South Africa in the third and Finland in the fourth place respectively. India may be the largest producer of granite blocks and slabs in the world but they sell in the lowest price, as the country holds the last place in 2009-2018 granite blocks and slabs unit value list.
*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year