Spain exports in the first nine months of 2023

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In the first 9 months of 2023, Spain exports of marble, granite, slate and natural stones decreased in value – compared to the same period in 2022 -, by 2.3% (for a total value of approximately 667 million euros) and decreased by 3% by volume.

It should be noted that the first place in the total of the Spanish materials most exported abroad is confirmed by worked slate (pizarra) which represents over 47% in value of all Spanish exports of natural stones (slate: + 3% compared to the same period 2022), followed by processed marble and granite with over 36% of total Spanish exports (marble and granite: -6.1% compared to the first 9 months of the previous year).

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Interestingly, the average price per ton of total Spain natural stone exports (503.97 euros per ton) it increased by 0.7% compared to the same period last year.

Recall that, last year, the average final price “in US dollars” per exported ton of natural stone was: India (US $ 158.1 per ton), Portugal (US $ 254.4 per ton), Turkey (US $ 292.1 per ton), Brazil (US $ 612.4 per ton), China (USD 806 per ton) and Italy (USD 970.4 per ton).

Source: Data processing by the CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Study Center on Comtrade data

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