Volvo Trucks restarts truck production

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Volvo Trucks is gradually restarting production in Sweden and Belgium plants, which had been shut down since mid-March. The main factors that will affect the increase in production are the orders, the operation of suppliers and the current legislation on social distancing aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus.

During the crisis caused by the COVID-19 spread, most of Volvo Trucks service centers around the world continued to operate. In Greece, Volvo’s customers had access to all the company’s service centers. Nevertheless, the factories in Europe had to stop production in mid-March, when the global supply chain was disrupted.

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From Monday, April 27, production began gradually in the company’s plants in Sweden and Belgium. The safety of the employees remains a priority for Volvo Trucks, which is why strict measures and regulations have been implemented to ensure all staff safety.

Volvo Trucks will continue to support transportation professionals who work hard to make sure societies don’t run out of food, medicine and all other necessities.

“In the midst of this unprecedented crisis, transport professionals, truck drivers and technicians have made heroic efforts and it is our job to support them so that they can continue to do their part,” said Mr Filippos Menagias, Commercial Vehicles and Machinery Branch Manager of Saracakis Group of Companies, which is the official importer and distributor of Volvo Trucks in the Greek market.


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