Xiamen Habitat Design & Life Festival: This event is presented to connect stone and design

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A brand new featured event, Xiamen Habitat Design & Life Festival curated by International Habitat Interior Design Association (IHIDA) will make its debut at Xiamen Stone Fair on May 18-21, 2021 in Hall A1. This event is presented to connect stone and design through cooperation between material suppliers and designers, thereby build an era of habitation.

The whole event contains two parts: Habitat Interior Design Exhibition and Development Forum of International Habitat Interior Design. We are honored to invite world-renowned designer, president of IHIDA, Steve Leung as the chief curator and Chen Fangxiao as executive curator of the exhibition. Steve Leung, Ricky Wong, Meng Ye and Pang Xi will share their design ideas and experiences in the forums.

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Habitat Interior Design Exhibition

Theme: Dwell with Stone

The exhibition is co-curated by Patrick Leung, Ricky Wong, Meng Ye, Huang Quan, Gary Zeng, Lai Yanan, Sun Huafeng, Pang Xi and Wu Wenli and will be divided into 10 areas. Through the interior designers’ interpretation of dwelling, life and space, these 10 areas will display different styles of living space and bring practical solutions of applying stone material in human habitation.

Development Forum of International Habitat Interior Design

Theme: Define Lifestyle with Stone

Due to the factors like consumption upgrading, aesthetic upgrading and industrial upgrading, a series of hot topics – how can stone companies show their core competitiveness? What will be the future trends of stone companies in the post-pandemic era? How stone industry will influence people’s lives through design? – are to be discussed.

Steve Leung, Ricky Wong, Meng Ye and Pang Xi will be keynote speakers and leading industry figures will attend the forum as guest speakers.

Designers Study Tour

Xiamen Stone Fair will launch Designers Study Tour in 2021 edition, aiming to bridge stone manufacturers and designers. The study tours will be customized for designers from over 30 cities in China and help them have a better understanding of stone, select ideal materials and find a wider application of stone in different fields.

Source: www.stonefair.org.cn

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