A quarry in South Jersey in America will be the backdrop of an exciting new fossil museum

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A marl quarry, understood to be filled with marine and terrestrial fossils, will be the setting for Rowan University’s Jean and Ric Edelman Fossil Park Museum.

The museum will open next year and bring guests a new experience of 66-million-year-old marine and terrestrial fossils. The fossils could be one of the last documents of the dinosaur world before extinction.

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After negotiations, Rowan University partnered with the township to create an interactive museum that could educate guests on the fossils and the dinosaur era.

The $75 million development will be a 44,000-square-foot Fossil Park Museum designed by Ennead, a well-known architecture firm.

The facility will feature:

Immersive virtual reality (VR)

Paleo sculptures by world-renowned prehistoric artist Gary Staab

Dioramas of scenes from the prehistoric period

A 120-seat, stadium style theater

Opportunities for visitors to level-up through eleven layers of achievement

A Cretaceous garden providing visitors a sense of what the landscape of the period would have been like

Critter Cove features live animals, including a saltwater touch tank

Café, museum store, and special events facilities

playground created by Toronto designer Earthscape featuring a pterosaur with 45-foot wingspan

A real fossil digging experience

Natural trails, and more.

Source: www.quarrymagazine.com