The General Assembly of Confindustria Marmomacchine takes place on July 15, a regular appointment every year, with the aim of accounting for a difficult period.
The meeting will be held in Milan, at the Enterprise Hotel and will be there to cover this important event.
The Italian Marble Association has long announced the holding of its annual meeting and this time it will be of particular interest for another reason. During its work, the election of the new general council will take place, with a term for the next two years, for the period 2021-2023, with 24 candidacies.
Apart from this fact, which is particularly important for the subsequent course of the association, during the general assembly, an account of the period and the developments in the field of Italian marble will be made, as well as worldwide.
All the necessary measures have been taken for the assembly to take place, due to the coronavirus. The present is expected to give senior executives from the field of marble and administrative institutions, as well as, which will be the only medium from Greece, to cover the assembly.
Among the executives and institutional actors that will be present is the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Economic Cooperation, Hon. Luigi Di Maio, Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Senator Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, from the Foreign Trade Organization, Dr. Roberto Luongo and from Veronafiere, Dr. Giovanni Mantovani. Of course, the president of the Confindustria Marmomacchine, Marco DE ANGELIS, and Flavio Marabelli will also speak.