Epiroc launches the next generation multi-role face drill rig

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Boomer M20 – the world´s first face drill rig with internal  hydraulics 

With protected hydraulics, sensors and cables, Epiroc’s new Boomer M20 is designed and built to  minimize unplanned stops and maximize uptime and performance in highly demanding operations.  This is the next generation in underground mining.  

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A challenging part of underground work is the everyday wear and tear on hydraulic hoses. Falling rocks and  debris and the continuous wear against tunnel floor and walls means constant hose repairs. The Boomer  M20´s heavy duty hose-less boom design minimizes unplanned stops for hose repairs, which keeps the rig up  and running even in the toughest conditions.  

“The Boomer M20 has been developed in close collaboration with key customers and is the result of extensive  research and real-world testing. This is the perfect choice for mining houses and contractors that want to out drill the competition through innovation”, says Niklas Berggren, Global Product Manager Face Drilling  Equipment at Epiroc.

Automated features for higher performance, reliability and quality 

High precision and performance are ensured thanks to on-board automation features, tele-remote capabilities  and digital drill plans which give higher reliability and quality of the full drill cycle. By utilizing High  Performance Development, the Boomer M20 allows the operator to adjust and download drill plans directly at  the face which eliminates the need for adjustments on the surface.  

“With digital drill plan handling, drill rounds will be longer, more precise and give far less overbreak. We have  seen total cost savings of up to 25% and up to 40% productivity increase”, says Berggren.

Safer work environment 

The Boomer M20 is designed with safety in mind; thanks to several features the rig secures a safe working  environment for operators.  

“Safety has been with us since day one. It’s our top priority and we have made great efforts in improving  safety for operators with this rig,” Berggren says. 

Through teleremote capabilities, operators can drill from a safe distance away from hazardous areas at the  tunnel face and keep production going also over shift changes.  

Thanks to the multi-functional joysticks operators can keep their eyes on the task at all times. The unique  cabin is designed to give optimum visibility and thanks to noise and vibration dampening materials the noise  level is kept as low as just 65 decibels. The safe bolting platforms are another great advantage because this avoids any operation under an unsupported rock.

Battery driveline option 

Epiroc continues the charge towards electrification in underground mining and the new Boomer M20 comes  with a battery-electric driveline option. A battery-powered Boomer M20 brings additional savings on health,  maintenance, ventilation and cooling. 

“With the on-board charger, the operator does not need to plan for charging, as it automatically takes place  while connected to the grid for drilling. Thanks to the high-capacity battery, Boomer M20 has a fantastic  driving range, and there is nothing to disturb the drift cycle”, says Berggren.

Mining from a new perspective 

To really highlight the fantastic innovation, a spectacular campaign video has been produced, with a scenic  backdrop that will take your breath away. The Boomer M20 is balancing on its innovative, robust booms, on a  mountain top. Breathtaking without a doubt. Epiroc´s President and CEO, Helena Hedblom, is fronting the  new innovation in the campaign video.  

“We are in this for the thrill of solving the real problem. For the adventure and energy found in new  perspectives. The Boomer M20 is another great example of how we make a difference through innovation”,  says Helena Hedblom.

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