According to the latest statistics from Centrorochas, Brazilian exports in 2023 decreased in value by 13.42% compared to 2022, reaching approximately 1,112 million dollars, compared to 1,284 million dollars of the previous year. Foreign sales in quantity are also not positive, decreasing in 2023 by 13.15% compared to 2022.
Interestingly, about 82% of all Brazilian exports of ornamental stones come from the State of Espirito Santo and that in 2023 the average price per ton of “total” Brazilian natural stone exports (US $ 610.37 per ton) it decreased by 0.32% compared to the previous year.
Recall that in 2022 the “final” average price per ton of natural stone exported was: India (US $ 158.1 per ton), Portugal (US $ 254.4 per ton), Turkey (US $ 292.1 per ton), Brazil (US $ 612.3 per ton), China (US $ 806 per ton) and Italy (USD 970.4 per ton).
The Brazilian export of natural stones remains essentially concentrated in 2 countries. In fact, if we analyze the exports of the month of December, we note that Brazilian exports went to the USA – in particular slabs and finished products -, for 56.2% (US $ 42.8 million) followed by China for 17.1 (US $ 13 million).
Source: Comexstat, Centrorochas and Market Trends Analysis Office of the CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Association