Greece ‘s marble exports: At the levels of 2016 in the first half of 2020

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Analyzing the Eurostat statistics, with a series of questions and answers makes an assessment of the marble exports of Greece in the first half of the period 2011 – 2020.

Was the first half of 2020, the worst half of the last ten years;

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Certainly not, both in value and in quantity of exports. Specifically, in the first half of the year, the total value and quantity of exports reached the levels of 2016. Therefore, we could say that Greek marble exports went back five years…

What was the best first half of the last decade?

Between the first half of the period 2011 – 2020, the year 2018 stands out, where the value of exports was 198,683,738 euros and the quantity at 515,463 tons.

How much did exports decrease in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019?

The total marble exports of Greece, in the first half of 2020 recorded a decrease in value of -37% and in quantity -30.83%. In the raw marbles the decrease in value is -49.51% and in the quantity -38.2%. In the processed ones, the reduction is clearly smaller with -15.53% in value and -1.09% in quantity.

What is the ratio between exports of raw and processed, in the first half of 2020 compared to the corresponding of 2019?

Between the first half of 2020 and 2019, a significant difference is recorded in the shares of exports of raw and processed marble. Specifically, in the first half of 2019, the share (%) of raw marble exports, of total exports, was 63.18% in value and 80.13% in quantity. In 2020 the share is 50.64% in value and 71.59% in quantity.

In the processed marbles respectively in 2019, the share (%) in the value was 36.82% and the quantity 19.87%. In 2020, the share is 49.36% in value and 28.41% in quantity.

Note that until the first half of 2016 the shares (%) of the value of exports of processed marble were higher than raw marble.

How did Greece’s marble exports move to the main markets in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019?

Given that China is the main destination of Greek marble, the lockdown that began to be imposed in the Provinces of China at the end of January had a decisive effect on marble exports. Specifically, in the first half of 2020, compared to 2019, a decrease of -51.76% in value and -38.74% in quantity was recorded.

In the other main markets, exports to the USA decreased. -19.42% in value and -11.65%, the United Arab Emirates -12.07% in value and -10.47% in quantity, Algeria -22.42% in value and -33.15% in quantity, Cyprus -20.01% in value and -34.7% in quantity, Qatar -20.38% in value and -28.17% in quantity.

Have the marble exports been improved during the first half of 2020?

After the fall between February and April, in May and June, exports recorded a significant increase in both value and quantity. However, in the quarter April – June 2020, a higher growth rate is recorded compared to 2019. Specifically, between April – June 2020, we have an increase in the value of exports + 52.58% compared to -11.7% in 2019. Respectively in the amount of 2020 the increase is + 96.08% compared to -5.52% in 2019.

In how many countries did Greece export marble in the first half of 2020?

In the first half of 2020, Greece exported marble to 105 countries compared to the 100 in 2019. Also comparing exports between 2019 – 2020 to the 100 countries we found that there is an increase in 40 of them.

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