In the framework of a gradual return to in-person promotional work in the context of the 2021 promotional plans devoted to companies in the stone and techno-stone industry, ICE-Italian Trade Agency, in collaboration with Confindustria Marmomacchine is organizing two group exhibits – one for the natural stones segment and the other for stone technologies – at Coverings 2021, to be held in Orlando, Florida from July 7 to 9.
Even in 2020 the United States proved to be a particularly resilient market for stone and techno-stone products Made in Italy, reprising its world leadership as buyer of Italy’s ornamental stones with purchases – of finished products and slabs – worth 312 million euros, and of more than 15.4 million in imports of raw stones, as well as of Italian technology for quarrying and processing stone, with purchases amounting to more than 139 million euros.
Applied to these promotional endeavors are the “2020 special support measures” that concern a free offer of the first exhibit module, while assignment of spaces and positions will be done according to the chronological order of participation applications until available space has been exhausted.
It should be emphasized that, given the persistence of the health emergency and limitations to international travel, for selection purposes priority will be given to Italian companies with US agents or representatives who ensure the presence and management of company stands at the show even should Italian personnel be unable to be present due to possible problems with travel between Italy and the US.
All additional info can be requested from: [email protected].
Source: Confindustria Marmomacchine