Panos Iliopoulos, General Manager of MARMYK: The advantages of Greek marble are the passport to the recovery of the marble industry

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The General Manager of MARMYK, Mr. Panos Iliopoulos, speaks about the consequences of the pandemic, the opportunities that arise for Greek marble and the expectations of his company.

“2020 was an unprecedented year for our industry. We were called to deal for a long time with the fear of a pandemic, lockdowns, the cessation of exports and trade, but also the travel ban that did not allow us to contact our customers”, says Mr. Iliopoulos and adds that it was also a teaching year. Despite the unsurprising losses “…Many of the projects using Greek marble had to be completed despite the pandemic. Thus the use of Greek marble did not stop. Given the conditions, we are satisfied with the course in 2020”.

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Mr. Iliopoulos expressed his positive view about the future:

“We are optimistic. Because in any case, there is demand and interest both from Greece and from abroad. Note that Greece is a great power, the 4th country in the world in marble exports. This means that Greek marbles have good quality and are used in a number of successful applications. They are internationally well known as they show comparative advantages in quality and in colour, while Greek companies in the industry have extensive experience in the extraction and processing of marble. These advantages are the “passport” and give us the opportunity to recover quickly and claim from the international markets, but also from the domestic, our rightful share”.

MARMYK is one of the leading companies in the marble industry and Mr. Panos Iliopoulos is proud of it. “We have been working on marble for more than 40 years, since 1979 and we export the marbles produced in our own 13 quarries to more than 50 countries. We are one of the companies that brought to the Greek market innovative techniques such as the Digital Dry Lay, that is the digital display of the final result whether it is for the floor or the wall.

Our company has participated in many projects worldwide. Indicatively, I can tell you that it has been supplying all Burberry’s stores worldwide since 2010. We recently installed the company’s marble in Luis Vuitton’s new flagship stores. In addition, we have supplied marble to a large number of hotels in Greece and abroad. Some typical buildings that use MARMYK marbles are the hotels Hilton, Atlantis, Sheraton, 4 Seasons, Westin and others. We also find MARMYK Greek marbles in leading high-tech companies based in California. Finally, the use of our company marbles in government buildings, such as in Washington, DC, Abu Dhabi and elsewhere is significant.”


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