Journalists and international buyers will attend Cachoeiro Stone Fair 2023

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International journalists will attend Cachoeiro Stone Fair, from August 22 to 25, in the city of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, in the state of Espírito Santo.

They were invited by It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone, a project to promote exports of natural stones from Brazil, carried out by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters  (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). They are part of the Image project, an activity that joins the internationalization actions of the natural stone industry that are underway in foreign markets. The professionals come from Greece, Stonenews will be there, the United States and Mexico.

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As part of the program Export Brazil, promoted by ApexBrasil, a group of at least 10 buyers from Germany, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Colombia and Argentina will join the international journalists in an exclusive schedule that results in the unique opportunity to get to know the processes of the productive arrangement of national stones.

The schedule includes a visit to a quarry to actually see the process of extracting materials; visits to companies, where it will be possible to understand the manufacturing process, the technology used and all the evolution of the sector in terms of sustainability; visits to showrooms to experience the use of natural materials and, naturally, attending Cachoeiro Stone Fair, the largest business showcase in the national segment.

During the week, the buyers will also meet with 24 Brazilian companies in the natural stone industry. The meetings are organized by Centrorochas and by Milanez & Milanez, a company of the VeronaFiere group. “We are looking forward to carrying out these actions at Cachoeiro Stone Fair. All activities were planned by several people. The fact that the stone industry was one of the sectors chosen by ApexBrasil for Export Brazil brings us great joy. And being able to combine this action with the arrival of international journalists will contribute even more to the repercussion of the national productive arrangement abroad,” says Tales Machado, the president of Centrorochas.

Rogério Ribeiro, the manager of the sectorial project, adds that around 180 meetings, lasting 30 minutes each, will be held between international buyers and companies in the Brazilian stone industry, with different degrees of export maturity. Companies that are part of the new cycle of PEIEX-ES (Export Qualification Program), which is in progress and being carried out by the Confederation of Manufacturing Companies of the state of Espírito Santo (Findes), through the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL-ES), in partnership with ApexBrasil, are among them.

About It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone

The It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The program aims to stimulate and increase the exports of Brazilian natural stones, through a set of strategic actions for internationalization with promotional activities, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the market worldwide.

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