FHL Kyriakidis marble company is in fifth best position in the country’s list of the most profitable productive companies, just after companies such as Hellenic Petroleum, Motor Oil and the tobacco companies Papastratos and Karelias. The classification is based on the last published use (2017), while the course of operations is also the same in 2018. In particular, the parent company FHL Kyriakidis Marbles & Granites and the group achieved sales of €112,80 million and €113,65 million respectively.
Profit before taxes of the parent company amounted to € 65,65 million compared to € 27,71 million in the corresponding period of 2016, while consolidated profits amounted to € 64,72 million compared to € 27,07 million in the corresponding period of 2016. As for EBIDTA, they amounted to € 69,372,643 compared to a profit of € 30,220,249 of the corresponding 2016 period, bringing the EBIDTA index to 61.04% compared to 45.42% in the year 2016. For the Group, EBIDTA amounted to a profit of € 365,362 against a profit of € 30,438,432 of the corresponding of 2016 and the EBIDTA index was 61.49% compared to 46.42% in 2016.
It is worth mentioning that the company / group has developed strong exporting operation. The sales trend so far shows that the markets of China, the Middle East, the former Soviet Union, Singapore, South Korea and Indonesia continue to be significant customers of the group and have not been significantly affected by the economic crisis but show dynamic growth rates. The presence of the company in the region of China, where the demand for Volakas marble is particularly high, is carried out through its distributors and regular visits of its vendors as well as participation in the various exhibitions.
Source: www.newtimes.gr