Marble machinery from over a century ago emerges from quarry

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Obscured by dense vegetation that prevented it from being seen for decades, it has now come to light, causing people to cry out for a miracle. The discovery concerns a sand-powered loom for sawing marble blocks, made by the ‘Barsanti’ workshops in the early 20th century and of which only one other copy exists in Brescia.

Imagine the amazement of Emilio Carpentieri (pictured with the machinery) when he discovered it during the demolition of the former ‘Pierotti’ workshop, the wall of which had collapsed next to the road connecting the bus terminal and Aurelia.

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The owner of the ‘Karpman’ bought it by participating in the auction called by the judge, as the loom had no owner, and his dream is to donate it to the city so that it can be exhibited to visitors (the proposal has been forwarded to the municipality).

Visitors will be able to admire this impressive 10-metre-long and 5-metre-high find, still equipped with belts, bands, wheels, wooden connecting rods, steel blades and other iron and cast-iron structures.


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