Namibia Emerges as a Key Marble Supplier to China

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China has become the primary export destination for Namibian marble, solidifying a strong and growing relationship between the two countries in this sector. In recent years, the trade and investment partnership between Namibia and China has flourished, leading to a significant surge in Namibian marble exports to China.


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In 2023, Namibia exported a substantial amount of marble to China, reaching approximately 150,000 tons. This figure represents a significant 50% share of Namibia’s total marble exports. This rising volume reflects the ever-increasing demand for Namibian marble in the Chinese market. White marble, particularly the popular “Namibia Fantasy” variety, is especially sought-after in China due to its unique aesthetic appeal and remarkable durability, significantly contributing to the export boom.


Chinese investments in Namibia’s marble mining and processing sector have played a critical role in propelling the industry’s development. These investments have facilitated the establishment of new quarries, the modernization of existing facilities, and the creation of valuable job opportunities for the local workforce. A prime example is the China National Materials Group Corporation’s (CNMGC) noteworthy $100 million investment in a brand new marble quarry located in the Otjozondjupa region. This significant investment has substantially bolstered Namibia’s marble production capacity and the overall quality of its marble products.


Namibia and China have fostered close partnerships within the marble sector, encompassing joint ventures, knowledge exchange initiatives, and training programs. In 2022, the two countries signed a momentous memorandum of understanding (MoU) designed to solidify their cooperation in the realm of mineral resources, including marble. This agreement underscores the commitment of both nations to continuously strengthen their trade and investment ties, fostering mutual growth and prosperity.


China has solidified its position as the leading export destination for Namibian marble, with exports experiencing steady growth over the past few years. The influx of Chinese investments and the close partnerships established between the two countries have significantly contributed to the expansion of Namibia’s marble industry, creating new opportunities and propelling the nation’s economic growth. With the signing of the 2022 MoU, the future prospects for even further development and a stronger Namibia-China relationship appear particularly promising.