Last year, natural stone consumption in Germany suffered a significant recession, recording a decline of 19.1%. In previous years, domestic consumption of natural stone had been constantly growing with an annual average of around 6%.
In detail, in 2023 compared to the previous year, in Germany domestic production decreased in value by -5.4%, imports by -31.4%, exports by -4.3%. Data that brought domestic consumption to 629.9 million euros, -19.1% compared to 2022.
As for Germany, however, the German Natural Stone Association (DNV) does not expect a reversal of the trend until 2025. According to the most recent forecast analyses, the future drop in interest rates, the marked increase in incomes and the stagnation of construction prices should trigger a recovery and increase investments in the construction sector again in 2025.
Source: DNV and Markets Trends Analysis Office of CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Association