By the spring of 2022, Broadway travelers will encounter eight marble flowers by American artist Jon Isherwood. The outdoor exhibition, officially titled “Blooms: John Isherwood on Broadway”, is scattered from 64th Street to 157th Street. The goal of the “Flowers”, which are made of different marbles, is to create a sense of unity between the neighborhoods and the people of New York.
“I chose ‘Blooms’ for Broadway in part because the sculptural representations are accessible to many who, in their daily lives, cross these crossroads,” the artist said in a statement. “Flowers are imbued with a universal symbolism and can evoke admiration and joy when you discover them. By placing them in a series of places in different neighborhoods, I hope to promote a sense of interconnectedness in a space, which otherwise you may feel faceless, anonymous and that alienates you, “he added.
Originally planned for display in 2020, the exhibition’s sculptures were delayed in being transported from Isherwood’s studio in Italy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Broadway Blooms will mark the Broadway Mall Association’s 13th sculpture show since 2005 as part of their Art on the Malls program.
Carved in Bardiglio Imperiale, Fantastico Arni, and Rosa Portogallo marble, Broadway Blooms offers a beautiful respite from the surrounding urban landscape.