The Italian Stone Network is coming

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The Italian Government has asked the Confindustria Marmomacchine Association to contribute to the creation of the most important Digital Platform dedicated to the Italian sector of Natural Stones and the Technologies for their processing.

Membership, reserved for Italian Companies, is completely free and the Italian Government and ICE will promote the digital platform to all foreign stone Operators interested in coming into contact with the best Italian Companies in the Stone Sector and with Manufacturers of machinery and equipment for their processing.

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Some of the first planned initiatives that will also have a connection with the Italian Stone Network will be:

– Collective area of ​​the Italian Companies participating in the Middle East Dubai fair – U.A.E. (Stone + Stone Machinery sector).

– Digital B2B between Italian Companies and stone operators and American stone companies (Stone Machinery sector).

– Collective area of ​​the Italian Companies participating in Expo Cihac – Mexico (Stone + Stone Machinery sector).

If you are an Italian Company interested in joining the Italian Stone Network for free:

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