A different Marmomac…

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The restart of the big and open events of the stone market is marked in the best possible way. Hundreds of companies and thousands of visitors, despite restrictions and doubts, participate in this year’s Marmomac.

The low traffic on the first day, the closed buildings and the empty spaces caused concern. However, on the second day , the rapid increase of visitors brought optimism and smiles. Finally, after two years, friends and associates meet again. Relations are warming up and leading to new agreements.

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The restart of major events is a fact, but pandemic-restrictive measures prevent a full recovery. The absence of Chinese, Indians, Americans etc. at this year’s event is something that anyone felt.

However, the beginning has been made and the appetite for work and communication is greater than ever, highlighting in the best possible way the moto of this year’s exhibition “Back together to Verona”

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