China’s imports of marble and granite blocks and slabs in 2022

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The recently published 2022 marble and granite block and slab import statistics confirmed the concerns and worries expressed about the Chinese market. The decline recorded between 2021 and 2022 resulted in significantly lower levels than the average of previous years.

The value and quality of China’s imported granite blocks and slabs have been more stable than that of marble over the last five years, with slight upward and downward fluctuations. The average price per tonne of marble has rapidly increased, while the average price per tonne of granite has remained marginally stable.

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The table below illustrates the changes in value, quantity, and average price per tonne between 2021 and 2022, focusing on the course of imports.

In marble blocks and slabs, there was a decline in imports from all main supplier countries, including Turkey, Greece, Italy, Iran, and Egypt. The only supplier country with an increase was Brazil, from which China has increased its imports every year over the last five years.

Increased granite block and slab imports from Angola and Brazil limited their overall decline. China’s imports from India, China’s main supplier country, decreased significantly compared to 2021.

*The statistics are derived from the analysis of the Tariff Class Codes – Harmonized System (HS) Codes:

25151100: Marble & travertine, crude or roughly trimmed.

25151200: Marble & travertine, merely cut into a square / rectangular blocks / slabs.

25181000: Dolomite, not calcined / sintered.

25161100: Granite, crude or roughly trimmed.

25161200: Granite, merely cut into a square / rectangular blocks / slabs.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

For more statistics contact [email protected]

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