China’s marble products imports from Iran growth: January and February 2020

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Iran is one of the greatest suppliers of marble to China, either in blocks and slabs or in finished marble products. How the coronavirus spread has affected marble trade between the two countries?, after collecting, studying and editing the statistical data provided by the General Customs Administration of China, is presenting the country’s marble products import growth from Iran, both for blocks and slabs as well as finished marble products, examining the value and quantity of imports. The data given by the Chinese are of two-month period January – February 2020 in total for the first time this year, so the comparison was made with the previous period of November – December 2019 as well as the same months of 2019.

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As seen at the table above, finished marble products suffered the greatest losses during the two first months of the year compared to the last two of the previous year, both in value and quantity of imports. As for the results of the comparison between January-February 2020 and January-February 2019, there is an even greater decrease for finished marble products imports.On the contrary, marble block and slabs had a large uprise in value of imports which is not mirrored in value of imports though. This means that Iran managed to achieve higher prices in marble blocks and slabs exports to China than last year. 

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

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