Italy: The stone industry asks to start work again, an anti-Covid-19 protocol signed with the labor unions

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On April 16 Confindustria Marmomacchine, Anepla and the Feneal-UIL, Filca-CISL and Fillea-CGIL labor unions signed an important “Nationwide protocol for the adoption in stone industry workplaces of preventive anti-contagion measures suitable to guaranteeing the safe re-start of production work”.

The purpose of the protocol is to pinpoint agreed-upon measures to immediately guarantee operations in complete safety for Italian stone companies during the current health emergency. The protocol was brought to the attention of the Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli and the Labor Minister, Nunzia Catalfo, with the hope that adopting this important document agreed-upon by stone company managers and labor and in line with the nationwide protocol of March 14, will make it possible for the competent authorities to approve the immediate production re-start of a leading sector in international trade. In fact, the Italian stone/techno-stone industry has production worth some 2.6 billion euros, exports worth more than 1.8 billion and above all an active annual trade balance of 1.5 billion.

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As a whole, the Italian stone industry has more than 3,000 companies nationwide employing 26,000 people.

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