Greece’s Marble Products Exports Growth: 1st Quarter 2020

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Following our previous report on Greece’s marble products export growth during February 2020, is presenting the country’s marble products exports growth in the 1st quarter of 2020, compared with last year’s same quarter as well as exactly the previous quarter in 2019.

Greece’s marble blocks and slabs exports during the first three months of 2020 showed a really large decrease both in value and quantity of exports, compared to last year’s same period of time. The decline is even higher both in value and quantity of exports when compared with the last quarter of 2019, surpassing the 50% rate.

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As for finished marble products exports, the news are more encouraging as there was a light increase both in value and quantity of exports in the first quarter of 2020 compared with the same quarter of 2019. On the contrary, finished marble products exports followed a slight downward trend both in value and quantity of exports since 2019’s last quarter.

It is worth mentioning that during the first three months of 2020 Greece exported marble blocks and slabs of €27.34 million value and finished marble products of €35.66 million.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

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