Imerys wins IMA Europe 2018 for Imergard
Imergard is said to be the innovative product manufactured by Imerys based on perlite and combating malaria. It is a non-toxic, non-chemical but durable and fast-acting product.
Annually, nearly 450,000 people die of malaria, including 290,000 children under the age of 5. Although traditional chemical insecticides have contributed in recent years to reducing the number of deaths, mosquitoes have become resistant to these management techniques. With this in mind, Imerys’ innovation team developed an award-winning product bringing a new solution to an important public health issue in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Imergard ™ WP, selected for World Health Organization pre-certification and pending the completion of the 9-month Phase III field trial, is scheduled to be commercialized in early 2019.