Italian exports of machinery & equipment slightly negative in the first seven months of 2022

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In the first seven months of 2022, the value of Italian exports of machines, tools and other equipment for processing natural stone was not as good as for natural stones. On the contrary, it decreased by 3.3% compared to the same period of the previous year.

If one considers the top ten buyers of Italian machinery and equipment, Italian sales increased in the United States by 37.3% (1), in Spain by 14.1% (2), in France by over 38.9% (3), in Germany by 9.6% (4), in India by 62.4% (6), in Canada by 11.9% (7), in Brazil by 46.6% (9) and decreased, in Poland -2% (5), in U.K. -29.9% (8) and in Portugal -27.3% (10).

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It’s important to remember that in the first seven months of 2022, the Italian export of Italian machinery and equipment to the United States (1) was about 2.7 times the exports to Spain (2) and about 3.3 times the exports to France (3).

Source: Markets Trends Analysis Office CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Association

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