Following our previous report on Italy’s marble products exports growth in the first quarter of 2020,, after collecting, studying and editing the statistical data provided by Eurostat, is presenting Italy’s marble products exports growth during the the first four months of 2020, both for blocks and slabs as well as finished marble products, examining the value and quantity of exports and comparing it with last year’s same period of time as well as the last four months of 2019.
Italy’s marble blocks and slabs exports from January to April 2020 decreased significantly in comparison with last year’s same period of time, both in value and quantity of exports. Marble blocks and slabs exports showed less decline when the comparison was made with the last four months of 2019, but the distance between the two rates was really short.
As for finished marble products exports, the growth rate was also negative, though lower than blocks and slabs in the first four months of 2020 compared to 2019’s. But when compared with the last four months of 201, Italy’s finished marble exports followed a less downward trend..
Although the country’s marble products exports were severely hit, it is really worth mentioning that at this period of time Italy managed to export marble blocks and slabs of € 71.43 million worth and finished marble products of € 198.89 million worth.
*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year