Kosmas Daskalopoulos: “I want to maintain contact with the human being”

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Stonenews.eu had the opportunity to meet and talk to Mr Kosmas Daskalopoulos, son of director Thrace Marble SA Stelios Daskalopoulos. Mr Daskalopoulos, who has an electrical engineering degree and holds an MBA specialising in business strategy, is the third generation to take over the management of the family business since its foundation.

Thrace Marble is a family business that reflects the values of the previous generations that had its reins. Was this one of the reasons you got involved with the company?

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I’m the third generation in our company, and I’m called upon to take over the baton from my father, who managed to bring it up, develop it and, above all, make it viable during the difficult times that the economy of the entire country went through. Each day I am confronted with resources and opportunities that my father and grandfather created with a lot of effort. My only goal is to transfer our vision and our love for marble into a final product which will be worthy of the expectations of our customers and partners.

Getting involved in a business, especially at a young age, is a big step and a big “commitment”. How did you decide to take this step?

Getting involved with our company was a conscious choice but also a demanding undertaking as I didn’t have much experience in other industries. I am training and educating myself daily. I am excited by the concept of organisation and leadership, and I aim daily for my personal development, but at the same time, I aim to improve the whole. My mentor is my father, who feeds me daily with knowledge and advice.

What is your strategy for modernising the company?

We focus on semi-white marble, a widely used and quite widespread material. We handle very large quantities of Greek and Turkish semi-white marble. Our strong production capacity makes us constantly aim for bigger numbers and more projects. Although we have been experiencing the consequences of the energy crisis for quite some time now, we try to minimise our operating costs and continuously invest in modernising our mechanical equipment and in our organisational culture.

As the new generation at the company’s helm, are there elements in the company’s organisation or operation that you want to maintain?

Valuing customers is highly important to us, and I try to pass on my knowledge and vision to our people daily. The company is slowly transitioning to another level but what I strive to maintain is the connection with the people. It is very important to see your employees caring for the business as if it were their own. I firmly believe that the company is its people.

What are your plans for future new business partnerships? Are there any thoughts on expansion?

I have many dreams and goals for the future of our company and, most importantly, a lot of appetite and desire to do business.

Is participation in industry events a part of your future plans for the company?

Yes, definitely. Our company will appear in industry exhibitions within our geographical borders, and at a later time even abroad.

Is the company a significant contributor to the local economy?

The human resources of our company amount to 35 people. It is a small family business, highly extroverted and with an extended network of partners. We are, I believe, an important factor in the local economy, as we work with a significant network of suppliers and professionals in our city.

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