Over 130 delegates in attendance in Milan for the 2021 Convention of the National Marble Industry

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Confirmed this year as an appointment of verification and strategic planning for the national marble and techno-marble sector, the General Assembly of CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE held July 15 in Milan at the Hotel Enterprise saw the participation of over 130 delegates including Entrepreneurs from all over Italy and representatives of the main government and business institutions.

At the center of the assembly work was the presentation by the President Marco De Angelis of the main activities carried out by the Association and of those scheduled for the coming months, starting with the protection and safeguarding actions of producers and processors of authentic marble, granite and stone. natural. On the other hand, the technical-economic report for an in-depth sector analysis was carried out by the Honorary President with Delegation for Institutional Relations, Flavio Marabelli.

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Particularly appreciated by the audience of the industrialists the videoconference intervention by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Luigi Di Maio, who in his greeting address to the delegates indicated in marble and related processing technologies one of the excellence of Made in Italy best known in the world, also underlining the role of sectoral reference point of CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE for Institutions, Organizations and other Associations.

The Minister then focused on the close operational synergies between the Farnesina and the Association – in close collaboration with the ICE-Agency – for the promotion of the sector on foreign markets and in the field of technical and professional training in Italy and internationally, reiterating the strong commitment of the MAECI alongside the Companies through the Pact for exports and the measures provided for by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which intend primarily to support the most innovative and highly specialized sectors of Made in Italy, such as the national marble and techno marble supply chain.

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, and the General Manager of ICE-Agenzia, Roberto Luongo, also intervened during the meeting, who together with the General Manager of Veronafiere, Giovanni Mantovani, and the president of CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE , Marco De Angelis, animated an interesting discussion panel entitled “Marble Supply Chain Italy: visions and trajectories beyond the emergency”.

According to the data processed by CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE and presented by the Honorary President Flavio Marabelli, last year the Italian export of stone materials and machinery and equipment for their processing showed a very marked decrease (respectively 17.3% and 16 , 1%), but the data for the first 3 months of 2021 seem to indicate an encouraging turnaround, with foreign sales of marble and granite limiting the deficit compared to the same period in 2020 – when the health crisis had not yet invested in international markets – at -4.1%, while technologies even grow by 10.2%. “Based on the surveys conducted by our Associative Study Center – commented the President Marco De Angelis – starting from March of this year there was a marked increase in activity, which should translate into a robust recovery in the coming months. of our exports, which I remember represent about 75% of the turnover of the entire Italian stone industry. Comforting signs are also coming from the internal market, where in recent months both the sales of materials and those of technologies have returned to growth. Despite the foreseeable difficulties experienced in 2020 – continues De Angelis – the Italian techno-marble supply chain is also confirmed in the numbers among the most dynamic sectors of Made in Italy, with a turnover of over 3.3 billion euros, an export value close to to 2.5 billion, a strong propensity to export (equal to 72.2% of the value of production) and above all with an annual trade balance of 2.14 billion “.

The desire to restart the sector is also confirmed by Giovanni Mantovani, general manager of Veronafiere – organizer of Marmomac, the reference fair for the natural stone industry at an international level – who during the discussion panel stated that «Marmomac is ready to return in attendance from 29 September to 2 October. We have won a design and organizational challenge that has invested the concept of ‘doing fair’ in total safety, innovating the business model to support companies».

In consideration of these strong signs of revival, the Association and the Italian stone industry therefore meet in Verona at the end of September to check the progress of the recovery and finally return to confront live with all the protagonists of the business community in the sector.

Source: www.assomarmomacchine.com

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