Pietra Naturale Autentica Network: Sustainability manifesto of the naturaly authentic stone

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Naturally Sustainable is the motto of the new campaign of the Italian company network Pietra Naturale Autentica (PNA). A “Manifesto“ lists 10 guidelines. These include ecological, economic, and social orientations.

A material that has always been at the service of man in the creation of beautiful living spaces that are also comfortable, welcoming and long-lasting. And with reduced environmental impact.

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  1. Naturally towards the three dimensions of environmental, economic and social sustainability
  2. Naturally sustainable to achieve the SDGS of the Paris Agreement
  3. Naturally sustainable towards ESG criteria measurement
  4. Naturally sustainable towards environmental regeneration
  5. Naturally sustainable towards innovation, research and development
  6. Naturally sustainable towards the circular economy of waste
  7. Naturally sustainable towards the green standards of planning and construction
  8. Naturally sustainable towards well-being, health and safety in living and working environments
  9. Naturally sustainable for the development of “Made in Italy”
  10. Naturally sustainable towards corporate responsibility in new relationship economics

Source: www.naturalstoneisbetter.com

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