Runner-up in national architecture award will visit Cachoeiro Stone Fair

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The conception of a project that values the use of Brazilian natural stones gave student Talita Perazza, from the state of Santa Catarina, second place in the Natural Stone Challenge – 1st Brazilian Academic Architecture Award. The competition, held by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas), the World Natural Stone Association (Wonasa) and Vitoria Stone Fair, aimed at contributing to the improvement of the training of new professionals for the use of natural stones.

“The challenge highlighted the exceptional talent of Brazilian students in using our natural stones creatively and innovatively. The quality of the works we received was extraordinarily high, reflecting the dedication and commitment of the participants,” said the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado.

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Students and recent graduates in Architecture and Urbanism courses in Brazil, duly enrolled in a higher education institution or professionals registered with the Council of Architecture and Urbanism, participated in the 1st Brazilian Academic Architecture Award.  The competition comprised two stages: the regional analysis (with awards for the top five places in the five Brazilian regions) and the national stage.

Born in the city of Brusque, in the state of Santa Catarina, Talita Perazza designed a hotel located on a plot of land that sits 1,425 meters above sea level, in the city of Bom Jardim da Serra (also in the state of Santa Catarina).  Hotel Vinícola Rosso was designed to trace the history of the city. The facade is clad in natural red sandstone, reminiscent of the bricks of half-timbered houses, and the foundation is made of natural stones collected on-site. “There is also a natural stone in the ground, which was used as a base for the elevated footbridge, preserving the land in its original state. The main characteristics of the project are the exposed metal structure, the stones and the sloping roofs,” the student explains. She is enrolled in the ninth semester of the Architecture and Urbanism course at Univali – University of Vale do Itajaí, in the city of Balneário Camboriú.

Besides winning a trip to Cachoeiro Stone Fair – the largest business showcase in the Brazilian stone market, which will take place from August 22 to 25, in the city of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, in the state of Espírito Santo – Perazza was also awarded a course on “Coordination and Flow in BIM” (totaling 32 hours) for ranking first in the regional stage.

Winner will go to Italy

The winner of the Natural Stone Challenge, Camilla Eleodoro, will visit Marmomac, the main international fair in the natural stone industry, in Verona, Italy, from September 26 to 29.  Born in the city of Marília, in the state of São Paulo, the recent graduate in Architecture and Urbanism from Unimar – University of Marilia, won the trip with an innovative project for a Mental Health Support Center. The design uses natural stones to highlight the mix of solidity and flexibility of these materials.

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