It will be the concept of “time” that will fill The Italian Stone Theater this year during Marmomac 2020. Reflecting on its symbolic value, the theme chosen for the 2020 edition is “Time is Stone”, the motif of the exhibitions that will be set up under the direction of the curators Raffaello Galiotto, Vincenzo Pavan, Giorgio Canale and Paolo Criveller of ADI.
After water in 2018 and nature in 2019, time represents a natural extension of the themes that have characterized Hall 1 in recent years. Always at the center of philosophical and intellectual speculation, time is an immaterial aspect that is transfigured in stone, which on the contrary is pure matter.
Time embraces everything in its flow and confronts the space that welcomes it and somehow makes it real. An almost Hegelian conception according to which “time is the very concept that is there”, therefore time becomes something physical and real, externalized, almost tangible as it is precisely stone, the concrete element par excellence.
Alongside the traditional architecture exhibition, the appointment with Paths of Art – artists who work the stone with the help of machines – and Brand & Stone 3.0 – furniture-design brands that collaborate with companies to create marble products is renewed and stone will be included in the collections. In addition, two new exhibitions are planned, one of which will re-propose young designers committed to dealing with marble and machinery for the production of objects or lithic works. The Wine Bar and the Author’s Restaurant have also been reconfirmed, two unmissable events to carve out the right time for a break from the frenzy of the fair.