Top 10 uses of artificial intelligence in mining

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AI is disrupting the mining industry by transforming the way that daily operations are handled.

These intelligent systems are capable of analysing large quantities of data and providing digital solutions for companies, with the technology helping to increase speed and safety in mining operations.

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10: Predicting supply chain disruptions

In 2021, McKinsey stated that supply-chain management solutions based on AI transformation are expected to be “potent instruments” to help organisations tackle industry challenges. AI models can be used to predict future supply chain information such as forecasting demand for specific products and optimising inventory levels.

9: Energy optimisation

The use of AI and similarly advanced technologies to optimise energy use can benefit the mining industry by analysing data to identify energy-saving opportunities and improving efficiency as a result.

8: Environmental data

AI in mining can work to reduce environmental impact and risk on location by analysing data quickly and efficiently. In particular, AI can work to identify areas where operations can be optimised, as well as considering the impact on the surroundings.

7: Exploration

AI can help with mining exploration by analysing huge amounts of data, identifying on-site targets and providing insights on both. It provides greater efficiency on site with regards to both time and cost.

6: Predictive maintenance

AI predictive maintenance models have the capacity to evaluate variables that reflect an asset’s current status, make predictions based on usage trends and consequently inform maintenance teams of potential equipment failures in advance. This not only ensures greater on-site safety for human workforces, but also allows companies to better plan in advance.

5: Safety and risk assessments

As previously mentioned, AI has the ability to evaluate and alert to possible risks at a mine site. This could be transformative for mining operations, as it creates an equally more efficient and safer environment for human workforces.

4: Robotics

Automation is continually increasing with the introduction of more electric mining tools that can sometimes reach where miners cannot.

3: Ore sorting

AI-based sorting systems can identify valuable minerals from waste rock in real-time and ultimately improve recovery rates and reduce processing costs as a result.

2: Decision support systems

There are lots of benefits to AI being used to support decision making, including better worker safety, improvement of previously lengthy processes and cost reduction.

1: Autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles can make working conditions safer in mining as they do not have to attempt to reach potentially dangerous areas of a site. Komatsu in particular ranks high in the mining industry in regard to automated vehicles as its approach to smart mining aims to maximise operations but with the utmost safety.

The company uses electric drive mining trucks for both construction and mining operations, boasting a broad range of 30 to 400 tonne capacity trucks to help its customers meet their productivity targets, ultimately pushing innovation in suspension, transmission, and autonomous operation.

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