Turkey’s Marble Products Exports Growth: January to April 2020

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Turkey is one of the top players in global marble trade. More specifically, in 2018, Turkey was the leader in marble exports, with a 42% share in global marble trade. Stonenews.eu, after collecting, studying and editing the statistical data provided by the ITC and the Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkstat), is presenting the country’s total marble products export growth in the first four months of 2020, both for blocks and slabs as well as finished marble products, examining the value and quantity of exports and comparing it with last year’s same period of time as well as the last four months of 2019.

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Turkey’s marble blocks and slabs exports during the first four months of 2020 were on a downgrade both in value and quantity of exports, compared to last year’s same period of time. The decline is even larger, almost doubled, both in value and quantity of exports when compared with the last four months of 2019.

As for finished marble products exports, Turkey’s value of exports showed a slight increase in the first four months of 2020 compared with the same period of 2019, while the quantity of exports showed a marginal decrease. Negative growth for finished marble value and quantity of exports from January to April 2020 when the comparison is made with the last four months of 2019, but still in low rates.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year