US and China have entered a full-scale trade war, with obvious effects to both countries’ economies, and moreover to global business. New markets are being investigated and exploited, in order for companies to avoid of offset losses.
Mexico is one of the top suppliers of finished marble products to the US. 2.6% of the total value of the finished marble products imported to the US during the first half of 2019 came from Mexico. How the US Finished Marble Products Imports from Mexico have evolved during the first half of 2019 comparing to the corresponding 2018 first half?
News are rather depressing when it comes for the value of US Finished Marble Products Imports from Mexico at the first half of 2019. All months follow a downward trend from the corresponding months of 2018. The greatest loss (-24.68%) is noticed in April, and March comes second (-21.94%). March is also the month when Mexico sold more finished marble products than last March, despite the decline in import value. The largest decrease on these imports quantity came in April (-25.26&).
It is worth mentioning that during the first half of 2019, Mexico managed to export finished marble products to the US of $25.78 million.
*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year