Xiamen Stone Fair: Uncover the Inspirations of Stone Design, Application, and Beyond

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As a hub of stone beauty and application, Xiamen Stone Fair has been dedicated in exploring innovative design of natural stone. The two significant design exhibitions -Xiamen Habitat Design & Life Festival and Stone Infinite Product Design Show will be held during Xiamen Stone Fair from March 16th to 19th. To enjoy the journey of the creative stone design, register now.

Floor Plan of Design Area: Hall A7-A8

Xiamen Habitat Design and Life Festival

Hall A8  Flow – Vitality of Stone Design

Xiamen Habitat Design and Life Festival (XHDLF) aims to explore the concept of ideal living spaces, promote industrial development through design, and enhance the aesthetics of urban life, all in the pursuit of creating a better era for habitation. The theme for XHDLF 2025 is “Flow”, symbolizing the vibrant progress and continuous innovation occurring within the design and stone industries. Learn More

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As a key part of XHDLF, Habitat Interior Design Exhibition in Hall A8 will showcase 8 spaces designed by Steve Leung, TT. Tang, Xie Ke, Danny Cheng, Ray Wong, Peng Zheng, Ray Chuang and Wang Peng, to transcend boundaries and offer a dynamic spatial experience for visitors.

Stone Infinite Product Design Show

Hall A7  Home – Product Design Trend

Stone Infinite Product Design Show is the exhibition to showcase the latest trend on product design. The 7th edition in 2025 is themed with “Home”, featuring 8 designers who will highlight the creative applications of stone. Learn More

The exhibition in Hall A7 will consist of 8 distinct spaces, each presenting the unique vision of a participating designer. The 8 designers are DAI Kun, HUANG Quan, JU Bin, LIANG Jianguo, MENG Ye, PANG Xi, SUN Jianhua and ZENG Jianlong. Get a sneak peek at these 8 design spaces.

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