China’s finished marble and granite products exports in 2020

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What was the trend of China’s finished marble and granite products exports in 2020?

Marble and granite export statistics from the General Customs Administration of China show that China has managed to reduce losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In proportion, exports remained high, recording between 2019 – 2020 an increase in the value of exports of finished granite products by + 14.09% while in finished marble products a decrease of -3.59%.

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In the Table below we see the monthly changes (%) in the exports of finished marble and granite products of China between 2019 -2020.

In the Table we observe that the decline in exports between 2019 – 2020, was limited to the first months of 2020 due to the outbreak of the pandemic and lockdown. In the coming months we see the resumption of exports with the rapid rise of granite in particular.

It should be noted that China is the main destination for the export of marble blocks and slabs and granite and the largest supplier of finished marble and granite products in the world. Imports of marble blocks and slabs between 2019 – 2020 fell in value by -19.95% while in granite by -0.55%.


 *The statistics are derived from the analysis of the Harmonized System (HS) Codes:

68022110: Monumental / building stone of marble, cut / sawn flat or even.

68029110: Carvings of marble, travertine and alabaster.

68029190: Worked building stone nes, of marble, travertine and alabaster.

68022300: Monumental / building stone, cut / sawn flat or even, granite.

68029311: Gravestones of granite.

68029319: Other carvings of granite.

68029390: Worked building stone nes, of granite.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

For more statistics contact [email protected]

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