Confindustria Marmomacchine received by the Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines

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The Minister of Energy and Mines, H.E. Mohamed Arkab, confirmed his full support of training and partnership projects between Algerian and Italian companies specialised in the marble extraction and processing field and partnership and investment projects in the natural stone sector.

This happened during an important meeting organised at the headquarters of the ministry, where Minister Arkab met an Italian delegation formed by the Italian Ambassador in Algeria, H.E. Giovanni Pugliese, by the Director of the ICE Office in Algiers, Gabriele Barone and by the Honorary President of Confindustria Marmomacchine, Flavio Marabelli. Also present at the meeting were Djalal Guittoune, President of the Fédération Algérienne Des Minéraux du Secteur Minier et de l’Industrie de la Pierre and his Vice-President Mouloud Sami Goubaa, as well as several ministerial personalities including M. Harami Mohamed Sakhr, President Manal, Houfani Messaoud and Abdelkader Saadallah, advisers to the Minister.

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During the meeting, the methods for implementing the Memorandum of Understanding ratified – in the presence of the President of the Algerian Republic, H.E. Abdelmadjid Tebboune – between the Algerian and Italian sectoral Organisations on 18 July 2022 were considered.

The memorandum of understanding includes the objectives of building a favourable business mood for the stone commercial partnership between Italy and Algeria to verify the conditions for creating joint ventures in the mining sector and develop the potential of the public and private sectors in both countries.

Added to this is the desire to contribute to implementing technology transfer programs and advanced professional and university training capable of supporting trade at a sectoral level.

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