Imports of finished marble and granite in the U.S. by supplier country in the first nine months of 2021

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The global trade in finished marble and granite has recovered primarily due to the U.S., the major export destination for many supplier countries. Following the market shock of the pandemic in 2020, import growth in 2021 was expected. However, its rate of increase remained in question.

Statistics for the first nine months of 2021 show a considerable increase in imports of both finished marble and granite, leading to a return of the market to pre-pandemic levels. Specifically, in the finished marble imports between the nine months of 2020 – 2021, an increase in total imports and individual imports from the leading suppliers was recorded:

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In the table, we focus on the increase in imports from China, where the import value reached pre-trade war highs. Imports from Turkey, which remained the principal supplier of finished marbles to the U.S., set a record in the first nine months of 2021. Italy is the second-highest supplier in import value with the highest average price per ton of all other countries.

However, the increase in imports in the first nine months of 2021 is not as high for finished granite as for marbles:

As it appears on the table, despite the increase, the growth rate of both the value and quantity of finished granite imports is half of that of marble. Brazil remains the leading supplier to the U.S., with India following as a close second. Simultaneously, between the nine months of 2020 – 2021, India appears to be pulling shares from both Brazil and China, which also records the lowest growth rate.

Finished granite imports from China continue the downward trend of the last five years. Typically, between the nine months of 2017 – 2021, the import value decreased by 36.75%.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that processed granite imports from the U.S. in the last five years have decreased, while processed marble imports have increased.


*The statistics are derived from the analysis of the Tariff Class Codes – Harmonized System (HS) Codes:

6802215000: Marble a alabaster mnmntl bldg smply ct o swn w flat o evn surface.

6802910500: Marble slabs.

6802911500: Marble, other than slabs.             

6802230000: Granite Mon Or Bldg Stone Smply Cut Or Sawn (t).

6802930010: Granite,mnmtl/bldg,nt Ct Sz,1 Fc Wrkd,mr Th Ct/swn (t).

6802930020 Granite,mntl/bldg,ct Sz,wrkd Mr Thn Ct/swn,max 1.5 (t).

6802930025: Granite,mntl/bldg,ct Sz,etc,mx Thk Ov 1.5 Nov 7.5 (t).

6802930035: Granite Monuments,bases,markers,over 7.5 Cm Thick (t).

6802930060: Granite, Mntl/bldg,ct Sz,etc, Ov 7.5 Cm Thck,nesoi (t).

6802930090: Granite, Nesoi (t).

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

For more statistics contact [email protected]

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