Imports of UK marble and granite products from the European Union

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What does the United Kingdom import more from the European Union?

On the occasion of the recent agreement on Brexit, presents the imports of marble and granite products of the United Kingdom from the member states of the European Union.

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According to Eurostat statistics, imports of UK marble and granite products from the European Union are low.

The chart below shows the total imports of the United Kingdom in relation to the imports from the European Union.

In the shadow of Brexit, the total imports of the United Kingdom in relation to the imports from the European Union recorded the opposite course. Between 2015 – 2017, imports from Europe increased while total imports decreased. The uncertainty that followed the referendum in June 2016 is reflected in the changes in the value of imports between 2016 – 2017 where imports from Europe recorded an increase of 12.8% and total declines of 12.4%.

Between 2015 and 2019, the share of the Union member states in the total imports of the United Kingdom was around 17%. In more detail in the Table below we see the shares of the European Union on total imports.

The UK’s main suppliers from the European Union are Italy and Spain, while the rest of the countries are China, India and Turkey.

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