Industrial Innovation Centre develops innovative marble products in Oman

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The Industrial Innovation Centre develops more than 18 innovative Omani marble products, and supports 7 companies technically and financially to improve their operations in the marble field.

During the year 2019, more than 127, 000 tons of marble products were exported by land, and by sea over 150,000 tons, and 10,000 tons by air.

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The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) said: “The Industrial Innovation Centre has developed more than 18 innovative products from Omani marble, has worked to identify nearly 100 innovative opportunities in the sector, conducted a preliminary feasibility study for 25 opportunities, established a medium and small company, and supported 7 companies technically and financially to improve Its marble operations.”

“This is as part of his efforts aimed at developing the industrial sector in the Sultanate and benefiting from its natural resources, increasing the marble sector’s contribution to the GDP, and raising its competitiveness in the local and global markets, ” the ministry added.

Marwan bin Khamis Al Muqbali, an industrial innovation specialist at the centre, said: “The Sultanate’s marble products are characterised by targeted quality at the local and international market level. Innovation is a comprehensive initiative that aims to transform the marble industry in the Sultanate to become more competitive. Industrial innovation by interviewing 31 international experts in the field of the marble sector, reviewing and relying on 112 research and studies, and identifying about 100 innovative opportunities in the field of marble, and a preliminary feasibility study was conducted for 25 opportunities, including 12 opportunities to improve operations and 13 new innovative opportunities, and 5 opportunities were applied. On the ground, more than 18 innovative product prototypes have also been developed.”


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