Italy: Massa Carrara Confindustria responds to quarry closure protests

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There have been strong reactions in the Massa Carrara area recently, with many protesting and demanding the closure of quarries in the area. The association of companies of the region took a position with a statement, pointing out the importance of the operation of the quarries for the economy of the region, as well as that the works are ensured with all the necessary protocols.

Among other things, the position of Massa Carrara’s Confindustria states:

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“It is legal to express any views with any non-violent body and it is legal to express the will to close the quarries and dismantle the marble sector in the province of Massa Carrara. What is not acceptable, however, is to create a climate of intolerance against quarries and businesses with lies and secrecy. Εven between radically different positions, is always useful.On the contrary, this constant aggression based on lies against those who work and those who have businesses is always harmful and dangerous.

The world of quarries and stone companies it is a world of work, dedication, passion, sacrifice and many investments. The marble is made by companies that, in the mountain, have licenses in accordance with the law and regulations of various state, regional and local authorities.

The quarry safety protocol is one of the most advanced in Italy and is also a model for other production companies. A protocol that is the result of a constructive meeting between companies, trade unions and institutions such as the Region, the Prefecture, Justice, the Municipality, ASL, the Fire Department, Law Enforcement. Just as we must not forget that in order to obtain a permit for excavation, based on all applicable regulations, an extremely complex project must be presented which is carefully considered at a conference of services where there are many public bodies: from the Region to the Municipality, from Arpat to Asl. And there, all possible aspects are examined, from the titles, the stability of the fronts, the regulation of the water, the emissions of dust in the atmosphere, the assessment of the environmental impact, to the view of the landscape. And only after the successful completion of all these exams, authorization is obtained.

It is a lie to say, for example, that the Apuan Alps have been destroyed, because all the quarries that are collected represent less than 2% of the land of the Apuan Alps.

And it is a lie that marble employs few people and is not a fundamental part of Massa Carrara’s economy. In addition, the marble contributes substantially every year to the public coffers of the municipalities that have quarries in their territory: about 30 million a year are paid directly to the municipal coffers, of which about 27 to the Municipality of Carrara,” as an excerpt from the announcement states.

Note that marble (data from the Chamber of Commerce, Istat and Irpet) secures 24% of the Gross Domestic Product of this province of Italy with more than 1,200 companies and 5,000 direct employees and about 3,000 affiliates and represents 2% of total exports of Tuscany almost equivalent to the percentage occupied by Tuscan wine in the world.

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