With questions and our answers, Stonenews informs you about the evolution of Turkey’s marble exports, compared to last year.
Q&A – Conclusions
How much did exports decrease in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019?
Turkey’s total marble exports in the first half of 2020 recorded a decrease in value -16.49% and in quantity -21.69%. In raw marbles the reduction in value is -34.62% and in quantity -34.28%. In the finished, the decrease in the value of exports was almost negligible with -0.61% while in the quantity there was an increase of 1.22%.
However, comparing the second half of 2019 with the first half of 2020, we observe that in total exports there is a decrease in value -28.05% and in quantity -33.26%. In raw marbles the decrease in value is -46.3% and in quantity -46.02%. In the processed ones the decrease in the value of exports was -10.53% while in the quantity -8.69%.
What is the ratio between exports of raw and finished in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019?
Between the first half of 2020 and 2019, there is a significant difference in the shares of exports of raw and finished marble. Specifically, during the first half of 2019, the share of raw marble exports, in total exports, was 46.7% in value and 63.81% in quantity. In 2020 the share was 36.57% in value and 53.23% in quantity.
In finished marbles respectively, in 2019 the share in value was 53.3% and in quantity 36.18%. In 2020 the share was 63.43% in value and 46.77% in quantity.
How did Turkey’s marble exports move to the main markets in the first half of 2020 compared to 2019?
Given that China is the main destination for Turkish raw marble, the lockdown that began in late January in the Provinces of China has had a significant impact on marble exports. Specifically, in the first half of 2020, a decrease of -31.96% in value and -32.2% in quantity was recorded compared to 2019.
Exports of finished marble to the USA, which are the main destination, recorded a marginal decrease of -1.94% in value while the quantity increased by 0.72%.
In the other main markets, exports to Saudi Arabia increased by 9.75% in value and 15.03% in quantity, to Israel increased by 5.31% in value and 7.27% in quantity.
Exports to Iraq decreased by -10.16% in value and -10.43% in quantity and to the United Arab Emirates by -17.82% in value and -3.36% in quantity.
Did marble exports improve during the first half of 2020?
Total marble exports to Turkey in the first half of the year show significant fluctuations due to lockdowns and slowdown in activity due to the COVID-19 virus. Exports are improving, however, until June they did not reach the levels of January which was the best month of the semester. Specifically, after the sharp decline between January and February, in March and April exports recorded an upward trend which, however, is stopped by the fall of May. In June, exports recorded the largest increase in the first half of the year, however, as mentioned above, they are lower than in January by -13.12% in value and -16.69% in quantity.
It should be noted that the total exports in January 2020 recorded an increase in value by 10.71% and the quantity by 4.75% compared to January 2019. An increase was also recorded in the exports of June 2020 by 14.93% in value and 10.09% in quantity compared to June 2019.
*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year
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