Natural stones as Intercultural communication Ambassador

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By Siamak Ekhtary, Geologist / Member of Iranian Mining Engineering Organization

One of the features of natural stones is beauty and uniqueness. As is clear from the historical footprint, it has a message of stability and resistance in our history. 

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Old civilizations have well communicated with this natural product, and the stones have been quoted as messengers for centuries for later generations. 

The origins of natural stone express and represent the nature and unique environment. Our  ancestors, with the knowledge of this product, were able to solve many of their problems. Over the centuries, the stone had a distinct position, compared with the lifetime of other materials. 

Stone has special advantages and these advantages are inherent. 

The recognition of this natural element and the use of previous generations have left today a  precious set of history. 

The Stones contain the message of challenges facing humans, whether they are at the tip of an arrow for hunting or the walls of the caves as a place of residence. 

The intelligent human being, using the power of thought, has been able to search for optimal use by preserving the value and position of this natural substance. 

If we look at natural stones around the globe, we see that each natural stone has its own  environmental characteristics. The combination of color from the source and the crystallization from the environment has made it possible for us to see amazing differences in type and color  and texture. 

Each natural stone represents its own environment, for example, the travertine is a product of calcareous hot springs. The marble is the metamorphic environment and the thermal pressures of lime and finally the intrinsic and outgoing igneous rocks that create a beautiful crystalline variety as we named them Granite

In the modern form of natural stone trade, the natural stone can play the role of a cultural and  environmental messenger. In this form of human trade, it has the potential to be associated with variation natural stone decoration from the different point of space available at a certain time in  our home. The antique Mediterranean stones meaning in the villa environment. This dream of  beautiful regional travels can be remembered by completing a corner of our home decor. 

We can use the warm atmosphere of travertine and marble that are technically antique in a part of our home in a cold north area, so we can display a warm Mediterranean atmosphere in the corner of the house, and this space opportunity do it in natural form. 

Stone gives us the opportunity to exchange views and experience with different cultures. In fact, this product is unique in the ability of a cultural and social ambassador.

The spatial transmission of a cozy corner in a warm climate home with the addition of dark and gray stones from the northern regions can play the role of creating a cool and relaxing  atmosphere. 

Humans have other languages to communicate and create a sense of convergence. In this section, natural stone can be considered as an ambassador. 

According to this view, natural stone will have a greater impact on international markets than the rest of the building materials. 

Let’s take steps to create such an opportunity. By introducing the stones of the world’s gates, we  are actually sharing the living space with each other. 

The beauty work is handled by the stone industry who is working to create and consolidate such a culture and create the necessary facilities for effective communication in the corners of the  globe. 

Together with the help of natural stones, we will have more opportunities for inter-cultural  exchanges between nations then LET S GET TO GETHER WITH NATURAL STONES.

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