According to the latest statistics, the export of Portuguese stone products in 2022 reached over 492 million euros for about 2 million tons, with an increase, compared to 2021, of 13.01% in value and -6.28% in quantity.
The average price per ton exported in 2022 stood at 242.32 euro/ton, showing an increase of 20.59% compared to the same period of the previous year.
57.9% of Portuguese natural stone exports are destined for the European market, while the non-European market represents 42.1% of the total exported.
If we consider the primary destination countries, we see France in the first place (+ 10.85%), followed by China (-34.16%) and Spain (+ 32.42%).
Source: ASSIMAGRA and Markets Trends Analysis Office of CONFINDUSTRIA MARMOMACCHINE Association.