The states of America with most imports of finished marble products and granite

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What are the top States in marble and granite imports, in USA? What do they import more? Who are their main suppliers?

USA is the largest importer of finished marble products and granite in the world. Some States stand out, with imports surpassing in value many large countries. From the analysis of the statistics of the first ten months of 2020, the States with the highest value of imports are California, Texas, Florida, Georgia and New York.

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In the Table below we see the shares (%) of the top five States on the total value of imports in the ten months of 2020.

In the Table we see that California is the State with the highest value of imports of finished marble products and granite. Individually we see that in the finished marble products California is first while in the finished granite products, it is Texas. Note that these specific States have the largest GDP. (GDP Gross Domestic Product) and population among the USA.

Between the first ten months of the years 2019 – 2020, a decrease was recorded in the value of imports of finished marble products and granite in the USA. In the Table below we see the changes (%).

In the Table we see that the total drop in the value of imports is -11.35%. In marble the decline is smaller than in granite mainly affected by the marginally positive trend of California imports. New York, which is hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown, is experiencing the largest drop of any of the other states.

Major U.S. suppliers, during the ten months of 2020 were Brazil, China, Italy, India and Turkey. In the Table below we see the shares (%) of the main US suppliers.

In the table we see that in total imports, Brazil is the main supplier of the USA. China, despite the trade war and the increase of tariffs by the Trump administration, remains the second main supplier of the USA .. Italy stands out in marble imports and Brazil in granite.

California’s main supplier of marble is Italy and of granite is Brazil. Texas imported marble mainly from China and Turkey while granite from Brazil. In Florida, the main supplier of marble was Turkey and in granite, Brazil. Georgia imported marble mainly from Turkey and granite from Brazil. Finally, New York imported marble mainly from Italy and granite from India.


The statistics came from the analysis of the Harmonized System (HS Codes):

680221 Marble, Travertine A Alabaster, Cut, Flat.

680291 Marble, Travertine And Alabaster, Workd, Nesoi.

680223 Granite Mon Or Bldg Stone Smply Cut Or Sawn.

680293 Granite, Nesoi.

*Due to consistent data flow, statistics may alter during the year

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